Church Attendance – Spiritual Requirements Verification

In order for a child to be enrolled at Harvest Christian School, one parent/guardian must be a born-again Christian and agree with, support, and adhere to the following requirements:

1. We understand that the school reserves the right to dismiss any family who does not cooperate with the educational/spiritual process.

2. We understand that continued enrollment of our student(s) at Harvest Christian School requires acceptable academic performance and proper spiritual conduct by our family/student as determined by the Bible, the school staff, and administration. Re-enrollment is conditional on acceptable citizenship, academic progress, spiritual status, and financial commitments met.

3. Harvest Christian School stands firmly upon God’s Word and the foundations of Christianity. This includes, but is not limited to, the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman, the clear biblical teaching that biological gender is both sacred and established by God’s design when determined by God at birth, the biblical boundaries of sexuality and moral conduct (which prohibit an unmarried couple living together), and the importance of adhering to the Bible in its entirety. This also includes the commitment to regularly attend (with your child) a Bible-teaching church with the same doctrine as Harvest Christian Fellowship. It is required at H.C.S. that the parent(s) enrolling their child understand, agree with, and completely support these standards. Any parent(s) not in alignment with the above standards will not be allowed to enroll their student or keep their student enrolled at H.C.S.